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工業(yè)冷油機(Industrial Cold oil machine)

Special Features/功能特點


The company’s withdrawal MK brand oil cooler series is suitable for cooling CNC machine tools, coordinate boring machines, grinders, processing centers, modular machine tools and various precision machine tools spindle lubricants and hydraulic coal cooling, can accurately control oil temperature, effectively reduce the thermal deformation of machine tools, provide processing accuracy of machine tools. MeiKe industrial oil cooler uses the principle of evaporation and heat absorption of refrigerant to carry out cooling work. The oil pump extracts oil from the oil tank of the machine tool to conduct heat exchange treatment in the refrigeration system. After cooling, the hydraulic oil is returned to the oil tank of the machine tool through the pipeline of the oil cooler, and the oil temperature of the whole oil is continuously lowered through the continuous circulation of the oil.

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